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Directions and Parking Instructions

If entering at SW 8th street and 112th avenue (North entrance):

  1. Take SW 8 St to 112 Avenue and turn right (if coming from the west) or turn left (if coming from the east) into FIU (big arches that say “Florida International University” across the top).
  2. Turn right at the first “STOP” sign on SW 10 St/University Dr (in front of the Ziff Education Building) and follow the curve.
  3. You will reach a traffic light (the Panther parking garage should be on your right), continue to go straight.
  4. You will pass the US Century Bank Arena on your right, and the College of Law and the Recreation Center on your left.
  5. Turn left at the first “STOP” sign on SW 14 St (Panther Way).
  6. You will pass the University Health Services Complex on your left and a blue sign that says “University Towers” on your right.
  7. The entrance to our parking lot will be the 3rd left you can make. A blue “Business Services" sign will be on the left of the entrance.
  8. Immediately after entering the parking lot make a right. You will see several parking spaces but make sure to only park in the spaces with the “Psychology Lab Parking” sign in front of them.

If entering at SW 17th street and 117th avenue (West entrance):

  1. Take 117 AVE to SW 17 St and turn right (if coming from the south) or turn left (if coming from the north) into FIU. (There is a yellow sign that says “Florida International University” at this entrance.)
  2. You will reach a 4-way “STOP” sign at 115 Avenue. Continue to go straight.
  3. Make a left when you reach East Campus Circle. (The football stadium will be on your right.)
  4. When you reach the “STOP” sign on SW 14 St, turn right.
  5. You will pass the University Health Services Complex on your left and a blue sign that says “University Towers” on your right.
  6. The entrance to our parking lot will be the 3rd left you can make. A blue “Business Services" sign will be on the left of the entrance.
  7. Immediately after entering the parking lot make a right. You will see several parking spaces but make sure to only park in the spaces with the “Psychology Lab Parking” sign In front of them.

If entering at SW 16th street and 107th avenue (East entrance):

  1. Take 107 Avenue to SW 16 street and turn right (if coming from the north) or turn left (if coming from the south) into FIU. (There will be a fraternity house to your left and a red sculpture at the roundabout in front of you.)
  2. Enter the roundabout and take the 3rd exit onto SW 17 St (the fraternity house should be on your left).
  3. Make a right when you reach East Campus Circle. (The football stadium will be on your left.)
  4. When you reach the “STOP” sign on SW 14 St, turn right.
  5. You will pass the University Health Services Complex on your left and a blue sign that says “University Towers” on your right.
  6. The entrance to our parking lot will be the 3rd left you can make. A blue “Business Services" sign will be on the left of the entrance.
  7. Immediately after entering the parking lot make a right. You will see several parking spaces but make sure to only park in the spaces with the “Psychology Lab Parking” sign In front of them.

Parents may either call us from the parking space and we'll meet you out there with the parking pass, or you can just come in and we'll take the pass out to their car.

In the event that our dedicated spaces are not available, parents can park in Lot 8 in any faculty/staff or student space, and bring us their TAG NUMBER so we can call security.

Walking directions from " Psychology Lab Parking" space:

Walk to the sidewalk opposite the space, walk forward into the yellow building "Deuxieme Maison", Room #115.

Walking Directions from Parking Lot 8:

Walk to the sidewalk next to "Health and Wellness Center", pass by "Traffic and Safety Tower", cross the small parking lot, walk forward over small bridge, to the yellow building "Deuxieme Maison", Room #115.

For any questions, please call our office at 305-348-2842

Direcciones e Instrucciones de Estacionamiento

  1. Tome la calle 8 hasta la 112 avenida y doble para entrar en FIU.
  2. Doble a la derecha en el primer STOP (calle 10).
  3. Siga derecho, pase los estacionamientos 10, 9 y 8.
  4. Doble a la izquierda en la 14 calle.
  5. Haga otra izquierda en la segunda entrada al estacionamiento que dice "Duplicating Center".
  6. Imediatamente doble a la derecha hasta llegar al espacio reservado que dice " Psychology Lab Parking ".

Direcciones desde el auto hasta el laboratorio:

Camine hacia la vereda detras del auto. Siga derecho por la vereda hasta llegar al edificio amarillo llamado “Deuxieme Maison” (a mano izquierda). El laboratorio esta en la oficina #115.

Llame al laboratorio para pedir el ticket para el auto o camine hacia el laboratorio para que nosotros le llevemos el ticket al auto.

Si el espacio esta ocupado, salga del estacionamiento y estacione en el parqueo 8 en qualquier espacio azul que diga "Faculty Staff."

Camine hacia la vereda al lado del edificio llamado "Health & Wellness Center." Siga derecho por la vereda, cruze un pequeno parqueo hasta llegar al edificio amarillo llamado “Deuxieme Maison” . Estamos en la oficina #115.